It’s important to have the right tools for the job. You can build your own kit of mental health tools to help you thrive in difficult times and not-so-difficult times, too. In honor of May being Mental Health Month, Mental Health America is sharing a toolkit to increase resiliency, improve our [...]
The Village Blog

7 Ways to Own Your Feelings and Improve Your Overall Mental Health
Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Counseling and Staying Connected
The world is changing and becoming more virtual every day, and life's stresses are unlike those we've ever known. That means it's more important than ever to stay connected with your therapist. For some people, it may be the first time they've felt the need to access mental health counseling or [...]
Self-Care and Connection Improve Emotional Wellness, Even in Difficult Times
Anyone who's flown has heard the saying. “In the event of a sudden drop in pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from above. Secure your own mask first before assisting others.” This idea of ensuring our own well-being is at the center of self-care. Self-care is doing something that benefits you – and [...]
How To Protect Yourself & Others from Anxiety with Mindfulness & Intentionality
You know the old saying "laughter is contagious." Laughter, happiness, joy; a lot of things fall into the category of being easy to spread. Unfortunately, bad things are contagious, too. Colds, illnesses, and even a bad mood. Your stress, frustrations, and anxiety can spread to those around you [...]
This Powerful Therapy Allows All Ages to Process Traumatic Experiences
When something bad happens to us, the whole body remembers it. Negative thoughts can get stuck in places where talk therapy just can’t reach. Kids might not be able to express traumatic or disturbing memories – “icky” or “mixed up” thoughts and feelings, as Grand Forks Village therapist Janet [...]
4 Suggestions to Put Your Smart Phone Down
Smart phones have made our lives easier in so many ways, you may feel like you can't live without your device. Odds are, you're reading this article on a phone right now! Technology is a part of everyday – every hour – life! So, knowing that, how do we take care of ourselves and make sure we aren’t [...]
Tools for Children to Identify and Calm Anxious Feelings
Fear. Worry. Anger or irritation. Insomnia. Anxiety can have many faces. Sometimes, it’s the face of your child. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue of childhood and adolescence, the Child Mind Institute reports. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.4% [...]
A Client Shares Her Story of Resiliency in Letter to Therapist
When Molly* first came to The Village’s Moorhead office, she had no idea how much it would come to mean to her. Now she describes it as a “place of miracles,” where she feels safe to share honestly, ask questions, be challenged, break down walls, learn, and grow. Molly wrote a letter thanking her [...]
Openness Without Oversharing Can Keep Sex from Being a Taboo Topic
Has “The Talk” come up for you and your family yet? You know ... the birds and the bees, hanky-panky. Yep, I’m talking about sex. If you are anything like most people, the desire to talk to kids about sex is ranked as high as your desire for a root canal. It can feel overwhelming or downright [...]